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[영어관용표현] Dear John letter 이별통보 편지

by diane + 2021. 1. 12.

커피 마시는 시간 가치 있게 보내기. 커피 마시며 영어관용표현 공부합니다.

함께 영어 공부해요~ Dear John letter



Dear John letter 이별통보 편지

병사에게 부친 아내의 이혼요구서, 애인/약혼자가 보낸 절연장, 절교장

A Dear John letter is a letter written to a man by his wife or romantic partner to inform him their relationship is over usually because she has found another lover.


2차 세계대전 당시 남편이나 남자 친구를 전쟁터로 보낸 여자들이 다른 남자가 생겼다고 일방적으로 통보하는 편지를 보내면서 생겨난 말로 이별통보 편지라는 의미입니다.


사랑하는 사람에게 sweetheart, honey, sweetie 같은 말을 쓰는데 이별을 통보하는 편지다 보니 Dear 딱딱한 인사말이 쓰였고 john 은 남자 이름으로 흔하여서 Dear John letter라는 표현이 생겼습니다.


These letters usually don't contain the lines "I'm a callous bitch" or "I needed what I needed when I needed it" , probably because such statements would be redundant. 

The Dear John Letter was much more prevalent and more sinister during wartime, when soldiers were unable to avoid conscription and could not return home during leave.


*statement 설명, 진술, 서술

*redundant 정리해고당한, 불필요한, 쓸모없는

*prevalent 일반적인,널리 퍼져 있는

*sinister 사악한, 해로운, 불길한

*conscription 징병제



I got a Dear John letter from her.

그녀에게서 절교의 편지를 받았어요.


My girlfriend wrote me a Dear John letter and moved to Argentina.

여자 친구가 결별 편지를 쓰고 아르헨티나로 가버렸다.






스키터 데이비스 Skeeter davis & Bobby Bare 'A Dear John letter' 1945년 발표


Dear John on ho Dear John

I hate to write dear John I must let you know tonight

That my love for you has died away like grass upon the lawn

and tonight I wed another John


I was overseas in battle when postman came to me

He handed me a letter and I was just as happy as I could be

Cause the fighting was all over and the battles have all been won

But then I opened up the letter and that started dear John

Won't you please send back my picture my husband wants it now

When I tell you who I'm wedding you won's care dear anyhow

And It hurts me so to tell you that my love for you has gone

But tonight I wed your brother dear John


And tonight I wed another dear John

