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함께 영어관용표현 나눠요~
요즘 코로나 때문에 이렇게 되는 거 같네요.ㅎ
Couch potato
게으름뱅이, 소파에 기대어 텔레비전만 보는 사람
a person who spends little or no time exercising and a great deal of time watching television.
주말에 couch, sofa에 몸을 뉘고 종일 텔레비전 보는 사람들이 많습니다.
영화를 볼 때 군것질을 많이 하는데 미국인들 대표적인 과자가 포테이토칩 potato chip입니다.
이런 문화적 배경에서 couch potato라는 말이 나왔습니다.
텔레비전 앞에서 할일없이 빈둥거리는 게으르고 비활동적인 사람을 일컫는 말입니다.
요즘 mouse potato라는 말이 등장, 종일 컴퓨터 앞에 앉아 있는 사람을 말합니다.
This weekend, do not be a couch potato.
이번 주말에는 TV만 끼고 살지마.
If there was a prize for the best couch potato, you would win it.
아무것도 하지 않으면서 TV만 보는 사람에게 상을 준다면 최고상은 네 차지가 될 거야.
Which person is called a couch potato?
A couch potato is a lazy person.
It was first used by a 1970's comics artist who drew lazy, sedentary characters he called couch potatoes.
From there, the phrase became an extremely popular way to talk about someone who's spent so much time in front of the TV that he seems more like a vegetable than a human being.
*sedentary [sednteri] 주로 앉아서 하는, 몸을 많이 움직이지 않는
*extremely 극도로, 극히
*vegetable 채소, 식물인간, 단조롭게 사는 사람
Is couch potato an idiom?
A couch potato is a popular expression in American English so it's worth learning.
Couch potato : A very lazy person who sits on a couch watching television all day.
What is a couch potato lifestyle?
A sedentary lifestyle is a type of lifestyle involving little or no physical activity.
A person living a sedentary lifestyle is often sitting or lying down while engaged in an activity like reading, socializing, watching television, playing video games, or using a mobile phone/computer for much of the day.
*engage 사로잡다, 고용하다, 관계를 맺다
How do I stop being a couch potato?
Here are 8 tips to help you make the most of what's left of the decent weather and avoid becoming a couch potato.
- Meet up with friends.
- Get yourself into a routine.
- Try out healthier snacks.
- Find a new hobby.
- Attend an event in the city.
- Get yourself a gym buddy.
- Try not binge watch a series.
- Try new things to unwind.
*decent [di:snt] 괜찮은, 품위 있는, 예의 바른, 적절한
*weather 날씨, 일기예보, 햇빛이 변하다, (위기, 역경) 무사히 헤쳐 나가다
*buddy 친구, 단짝, (모르는 사람에게 말 걸 때) 아저씨
*unwind [unwaind] (감긴 것) 풀다, 긴장을 풀다
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